This archive of Online Bible Studies is available for you to peruse and delve into at anytime. Each series includes bible study lessons, teaching videos, study guides, DIY or art projects and worship music. May you be richly blessed in knowing Him a little deeper.
From Genesis to Revelation, God paints a beautifully vivid portrait of rest. In His rest, He promises peace and restoration, nourishment and revival. However, as women, particularly wives and mothers, it is quite difficult retreating to the quiet, still waters of tranquility. Days consumed with monotony, demands and sudden trials can easily lead us away from the very resting place God wants us to enter.
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God is unsearchable and unfathomable. His infinite ways stretch beyond the boundaries of our finite minds. Yet, through His Word and the Holy Spirit as our guide, we can know Him in deep, intimate, relational way, compelling us to worship Him in awestruck wonder. Through Jeremiah, the LORD says, "Let him who boasts, boast about this: that He know and understand Me..." My hope is that His name and renown will be the desire of our hearts and adoration of our soul, leading us to love and serve Him.
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In February, through this online series we’ll discover the harvest yielded from being planted, rooted, pruned and cultivated in the Lord. Each session includes in depth bible study, short stories from women, study guides, and worship.