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Thanks. In response to quesion two, it caught me that in Jeramiah how trust = deep roots. True trust shows itself in actions...obeying the commands that Jesus gave us. This helps guard against shallowness, hardness, crowding etc...


#1 - I desire more boldness and assurance in my faith, particularly with those around me who don't know the Lord. To not fear man, by simply agreeing, but to honor God by speaking when He leads.

#2 - I love what Doug said about the deep roots being trust. That coupled with delighting in God's Word keeps us abiding in Him. For me, I know I can have a hard a prideful heart and I need to remember to surrender my will to the Lord, because His commandments are always for my sake.

#3 - One of the negative outcomes I've discovered in not waiting for God's timing is losing the ability to really hear His voice. Not knowing the direction I should be taking. The (few) times I have waited on the Lord, I've had more of an assurance of His leading and there was much more peace in my heart and my faith was strengthened.

#4 - The biggest thing I learned this week was that what I sow also benefits my children. The times I spend in prayer or in His Word on my own are not just nourishment for me, but my children will reap, too. I also am amazed that God asks us to do so little. Faith as a mustard seed...I am stirred to take just one step and trust in Him to water and harvest me.


Doug! Im so glad youshared. Isnt that the heart ofrespondingto thegospel? To follow Him, we need to trust....To come to Him, we need to trust...To respond in obedience, we need to surrender and trust His will is indeed better...


I am absolutely loving this study! Thank you so very much for putting your heart into this, preparing it and sharing it here. It truly has blessed my days greatly this week. In reflecting on these scripture this week I have been convicted of this: my heart really is crowded. All the noise, static, stuff I cling to - things I know I need to lay down, but instead just keep rearranging and moving around, managing when I should be surrendering. Oh, to offer Him the complete landscape of my heart...that's the cry of my heart this week. The questions: #1. I want to be firmly planted because...honestly, prodigal daughter that I am, I know what it's like to wander in the confusion that comes when we rely on ourselves instead of Him...when life gets hard and instead of fleeing to Him, we just...flee. I want to be firmly planted because, simply put, there is no other place to Live. #2. I will surrender my crowded heart, pray for conviction of the things I need to lay down - things that distract me from Him and His word and will. #3. When I don't wait for Him...I'm not keeping in step with the Spirit - like you said, I'm not hearing from Him. I'm confused and don't have peace. #4. I think my insight was the crowded heart deal that I shared at the beginning, but also...and this is so cool...this is a time of revival for me, for my heart...freedom is coming to places in my heart that have long been held captive. :)


...to offer Him the complete landscape of my heart. Yes, Cheryl...that! Oh to get there! When you spoke of revival in you, as silly as it sounds I got the chills. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. Keep pressing on, my sister friend! He came to bind the broken hearted and set the captives free.


1 I desire to be planted in Christ firmly rooted.The PEACE God gives in ALL circumstances is what i desire....
I want to grow in being and feeling secure.....
As an mum and wife i 'bump"( i could not find the right word)in situations i think ....'No this is not how you would or should reacted if you where at peace and be secure in your walk with Christ.....

2 I can guard my heart by making and taking time for the Lord to be ALONE with him not with all kind of noise.
I must surrender all to Him..not partly but ALL

3 Negative outcome....."Burnt-out" because i pick-up things and do it in my own strenght......
Getting further away of God's Voice......
It takes longer for God to get me where He wants me to be.....

4 One moment while busy with this study....looking up verses and reflecting...I had an urge to put it down and sleep instead......But like the H.S said 'NO make an effort to keep on going.....the earth need to be plowed better...."My energy came back itself...to go on....And than i realized that conciousely i need to put more effort to stay open so that the soil in my heart can be 'up-rooted and plowed....!


Thanks for sharing the truth that God revealed to you. May we continue to press on, endure and be steadfast, knowing we will indeed reap a harvest when we dont grow weary. It is Gods firm promise that we can lean on!

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