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Melissa Brotherton

Right now I feel like I'm in a spring-like season in my life. It's been a hard winter, I've sensed things happening underground where no eye can see, but now sprouts are beginning to pop up here and there. What once looked like a dry, barren field has taken on a green shimmer. There's life here and God is doing a new thing. :) Loved the video, Melissa. I'm very excited for this study!


I've had all month to think about my season and looking back I've experienced a lot of loss. In my family life, I feel defeated and it seems winter has stayed a little too long. It is hard to see that sun shining even thought that verse in Hosea turns over and over in my mind constantly. But then I look at friendships and my relationship with my husband I see spring. I see blossoms and fruit beginning to bud.

God PLOWED my heart right out of me in preparation for this study last year. He showed me a lot of sin in my life that was cut off at the boughs, but then he showed me the shoot of Jesse spring up in Isaiah 11. Oh the comfort of the King!


I was going to go first and you beat me to it! I am SO glad you are entering spring. You have been so open about Gods conviction in your heart and it has been a HUGE example to me in my own walk. Just to take a step forward and let trust God to sort it out. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Im looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks. :) I drove by your house the other day, did you hear me honk? Haha!


My heart is rich. The last year has been, as you know, a test of faith, trust and love, for me.
The hardened earth of my heart has been broken and amended. For the first time in my life I feel a holy surrender. May the richness of His labor bear much fruit. Bless the Lord!


Hello Ladies! The verse I referenced in Ecclesiastes is Chapter 12:9-12 (not Ch. 13). I updated it in the post as well.


I have to say first what a total blessing it is that I found this study - totally by mistake! - such a word for me during this time in my life. For the past few years, in the season of my heart, it has been a long and dark winter. I did not remember hope. Sometimes we can't see our bondage for what it truly is until we start breaking free, and that's definitely the case with me. Now I see how I cloaked myself in lies when life grew cold, and I grew accustomed to numbness. I sought it, in fact. Why would I choose to wander lost in darkness when I knew the Light - had only to call upon it? For the life of me I do not know! I do know this: Spring does come. There is a Love that will pursue you despite your greatest and futile efforts to hide and when it finds you - when you open yourself to it - the chains of fear fall away like dust. I am totally awestruck and completely humbled by the relentless pursuance of my Savior...I have a Redeemer and His name is Jesus :) Really happy to be doing this study and looking forward to Day 2!

Heidi Woodruff

I printed the lesson out, I want to spend some time with it in one hand and my Bible in the other. I know what a dry season feels like. I know what winter feels like. I know what it feels like to be plowed up. But I can tell you the JOY I know now because God took me through those painful lessons. Sometimes it's things I've done and sometimes it's a result of nothing I've done, but a lesson none the less. I praise God for who He has made me into today. And I live my life with eternity as my perspective.

Thank you for the time you put into this wonderful, truthful lesson from the Word.
Blessings, Heidi


Does that mean i can eat the fruit from your branches? :) I praise Him for His work in you and for your willingness to not lose heart. I see the gift of your imperishable faith and its shining like gold.


Cheryl! Thank you and praise Him for meeting you where you are at. Your testimony of the God who pursues us, leaves me praising Him...truly. I have recently felt the numbness and detachment in my walk, its easy to hide in the comforts of our skin. Yet, God reminded and continues to remind me of who He is and that I am clothed in HIM! Yes, God longs to be gracious to us...longs for us to walk freely in Him...and to trust Him. Lately, I have relied on His promise to renew my strength and Iknow He is faithful! In Isaiah 57, God says, I dwell on a high and holy place, And also with the contrite and lowly of spirit In order to revive the spirit of the lowly And to revive the heart of the contrite.Praise Him forHis promise to bring revival inboth of ourhearts.


Heidi! I once told my husband, my blog is not for people who look at blogs for the very reason you mentioned....the slowing down and reading alongside the Word. Because thats really my goal...to growdeeper inour knowledge ofHim so wewill knowa more excellent way. (Philippians 1:9-10) Thank you for sharing the JOY and necessity of walking through each season.And you are right, having the eternal perspectiveleads to such freedom and liberty in our walk.

Rachel Parker

Awesome Bible study! So excited to be doing this with you guys.

I have to say that right now I think I'm in the Spring of my walk with God, which is (in some ways) a dangerous position to be in. Sometimes it's difficult not to become the shallow or the crowded heart, especially when you're first getting to know God. I'm working really hard to be a fruitful heart, but I'm most influenced by the world in terms of time, and feeling like much of my time is monopolized by things that seemingly have little to do with the Lord. I think, though, that it's important to focus on the fact that God has a presence in every part of your life, and it's you who loses sight of Him (not the other way around). So I'm going to work on making sure that I continue to have time with Him in my daily life despite the craziness that wants to choke that out of me. For me, that's the first step to plowing my own heart!



Hi Rachel, Enjoy the fruits of your labor! Spring is a beautiful time and I love that God promises us that even in winter, we can bear fruit and have leaves that wont wither away.Even when we plant a mustard seed oftime with Him, He causes tremendous from our faithfulness...faithfulness in the small things. Thanks again for sharing!


I can't 'pin-point" clearly an season i am in.....
I know clearly for an while now that God wants me to go deeper with Him....To stay with the symbolic...He is plowing in my heart greatly.......
Maybe i can call this season i am in is autumn.....The green leaves are drying in to brown and all colours and falling to the ground.....But the tree is still there.....and there is still life in it....

I must say/confess that i am struggling a lot in this season but indeed SEASONS ARE CHANGING BUT GOD NOT!
It is up to me where i put my eye/mind on.....
It must be in His Word and looking -up and praying to Jesus.......
last year i got 'the word" TRUST and this year WAIT...
In seasons you learn also to wait and trust!


I just started this bible study and love it! I am excited to see what the Lord is going to reveal to me. I recently went through a cold winter of trails that I thought that I could not endure, but the Lord amazingly stood right besides me through it and shined down on me the beauty of his unfailing love and showed me that I can do all things through Him. Through doing this bible study, I found that I need to delight more in God's word. Sometimes, I find myself just going with the flow of life, when I know that I can live a richer and fuller life walking closer with God. Like the color and newness of spring, I see his blessings all around me and know I can have more joy in my life, as long as, I just trust and remember that He is greater than any trials I face.


Iadmired your response about not knowing exactly what season you are in. I can relate, as sometimes I feel like Im blooming, and thena day offalling will throw me off. Whats soimportant, likeyou said, is the comfort of Gods stability in our lives no matter what. And wait - wow....for you to embrace that word for yourself is a blessingin and of itself.Its so hard for us to wait. But like a ketchup commercial here in the states, good things comes to those who wait. :) Thank you for sharing your thoughts here.


God is so faithful to walk with us through the trials and the valleys of struggle. I know those hard times can leave us feeling defeated, but God promises the put a victory banner of love over us. Thank you for sharing and for being here. Praying a flood of joy for you!


This study is such a blessing. Due to time and the inability to do much in the past 6 months, I have not been involved in a study where I was accountable to actually participate. This is a good motivator for me. Life can bring so many "other", lesser things that interrupt this precious time.
I have become more "purposed" to do the study and have experienced the blessing.
One insight I gathered from the "Reaping and Sowing" section of "Sowing Seeds" and Matthew 17:20 was the fact that I don't have to move the mountain (which is often the mode I can get into without the Spirit's leading), God will move it! I just need to nourish my faith so that there will at least be "mustard seed" faith. That takes a lot of weight off and allows me to rest in my Savior-the mountain mover.

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