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I will go first. :)

I've been married for 8 years and I am keep-busy-at-home mama to my girls who are 6 and 8. When I'm not trying to figure out motherhood, I'm creating art, writing, reading....or procrastinating.


Hi!! I'm Kellye, homeschooling mom of 2 daughters who are 8 and 10!!! I am a blogger, book junkie, and love all things house decorating!!! I am very excited about this study and look forward to seeing what the Lord has in store!!

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All week I will feature guest writers, we challenge outside of the scriptures, or share their favorite song worship. If you are a subscriber of the posts in your mailbox or RSS feeder. Otherwise, go back and check the website!


Hi there! I'm Cheryl and I'm very much looking forward to beginning this study tomorrow! I am mom to two vivacious little girls who are 7 and 5 and am very blessed to be able to stay at home with them. Very glad to be here with you! :)


I am a wife, mother of five + one daughter-in-law, with only two at home at this point. I love to read, knit, and make chocolate treats. I am excited to learn with all of you.

Rachel Parker

I have been waiting for this since you first wrote about it!

My name is Rachel Parker. I'm a 24 year old wife and graduate student in English, and I'm just now sifting through the filler of life to find the good stuff. In other words, I'm invested in figuring out what I love in life right now. I love writing, thinking, talking, and I think God has a purpose for me I can't even wrap my head around yet.


Heidi Woodruff

Hi all! I'm a wife to my Mark (30 years this May!), a grandmother to 3 little ones, a mother to two daughters, a mother-in-law to two sons, a sister to 8 siblings and their spouses....oh, this is getting too long-sorry!

I love the Lord with all my heart and soul. I daily spend time with Him, and pray to be Spirit-lead, and Spirit-empowered.

I love creating arts and crafts. I believe I take after my Father (heavenly!) in that I love to create!

Blessings, Heidi

Melissa Brotherton

This month marks my 10-year wedding anniversary! I'm so excited. :) Other than being married for 10 years, I am a SAHM to my four small children and a blogger. I love to cook, read, and take pictures. Right now my family is approaching a period of transition, and I'm actively seeking out God for what He is calling me to. I am so excited for this study, because Melissa always does a wonderful job, and I know God will speak to me through her and others in this community! :)


Kellye - Thanks for jumping in the study and sharing! And you can come decorate my house ANYTIME! We need help! ;)


Cheryl! Another mother of daughters! Its taken me awhile to realize this, but Im glad I get to stay home with them too. This June it will be two years of being home with my girls and Im still trying to figure it out. Im so glad you are joining in on the study. Thank you for being here!


Hi MariAnne! Thank you for joining in on this study. It has been simmering in my mind for so long. And as God teaches you something, feel free to share. I love hearing the insights and experiences of others. It draws us closer into fellowship and blesses! Feel free to share some chocolate treats, too! ;)


Ms. Fabulous Rachel - I dont know how you find time to do everything you do! So, thank you for being here!! I am excited for this study too, because Im learning right alongside you. I think Im still trying to wrap my head around His purposes for me, too...and until I figure it out, Ill wrap my hands around Him and hold on tight! ;)


Dearest Melissa,
Girl, I am so excited to be in a study from/with you! I knew God would bless you with Words to convict and I look forward to reading on and studying deeper. For others who know me not, I am Beth Kaura, way over 40, with a busy 8-year-old daughter; an insurance business; part of a thriving school moms prayer group; and have a patient husband of 15 years. The Lord is my Savior, my Redeemer and my sanctuary...
Thank you "M" for putting this together!


Oh my friend...I am so glad you are here...and I love how you described your husband...patient. ;) I have one of those, too, although I too often forget. You bless me. See you soon.


Heidi - 30 years of marriage is definitely something to celebrate!!! The Lord has blessed you with such a large family and I know the blessing that comes from spending time daily with Him. I go through dry spells, but the time in prayer and the Word is uplifting and essential for a spirit filled and focused live. You are reminding me of that again....And we are kindred spirits in the creative department! Glad to dig deep with you, sister friend!


Hi Melissa! This is gonna be BIG! As I feel myself ready to shed a layer or two of the old self, I am so grateful to be in the shadow of the Most High, protecting, nurturing the vulnerable newness of His glory. I am challenged by His work through you and look forward to growing in our beautiful Lord's light. Come, let us drink deep from the well spring of life--our Jesus, the Christ! I love you dearly. Signed, wife to Rick (my best 16 years) and proud mother to 2 precious daughters.


Im so glad you are here with me...And I am so glad to witness where you are withMost High.Love you!


HI Im a day late, I woke up on the 1st with the flu and didnt leave my bed. Im a mom of a 3 yr old girl, a 11 month girl and have a little girl due in June! 3 Girls, Im so excited. I have an AMAZING hubby of going on 8 years and am wanting to dig deeper in my relationship with Christ. I plan on homeschooling all my children, and being a good example of a mom and wife (I PRAY)


oh, no Tess! I actually think I may be coming down with something! and really, you arent late! thats the beauty of studying on your own. thank you for being here and im so happy for you and the baby God is growing in you!!! :)


Hi Melissa,
I was widowed 20 years ago and have been remarried for 15 wonderful years. My three adult children and the 5 extra adult blessings of my spouse boosted our family to 8 children. We currently have 28 grandchildren and in March expect the 6th great! God has been so faithful to me. For most of my life I have been a "SAHM" and have found great blessing in it. God has me in a place of waiting on Him and allowing Him to fight for me through a health condition that has slowed me down a bit. My spirit was overjoyed with your art/scrapbook pages and the study has blessed me already.


You are precious, Darla and 28 grandchildren, WOW! God is still teaching me how to be a stay at home mom. I thought it would be easier, but Im learning to see what is stubble and hay and what are precious stones. May I always choose the more excellent thing. I am blessed by you and your husband. And if a stranger gives you a hug in the hallway at church, youll know its me! ;) Praying for you...


Hi Melissa
I am Bernice....Living in Holland I am married and mother of an daughter of 12 and son nearly 10 yo.
This bible study came under my attention some weeks ago. The name spoke to me...and to go more in God's Word was an desicion i made at the end of 2010...Yesterday and today i worked trough the study...It takes me an little longer because i want to think it over 1st in dutch......But it really touched me and inspired me greatly.....
I'm looking forward how God will work in me through this study...
Thanks for your time and effort to put it up for us


I'm a little late in getting started....so I have a bit of catching up to do. My name is Debbie...been a Christian since the age of 11 and I'm now 56. I've been married for almost 34 years to a precious Christian man. We have one daughter and two adorable GRAND-sons!!! And...I love the Lord!!! ;)

Roz Galvez

I was saved at 15 when a friend from school invited me to church, and was set on fire for the Lord. I was so eager to tell everyone about the new relationship I had with Jesus, and tell everyone how they too needed Him. My family belittled all I said, and my fire eventually was snuffed out. After many terrible decisions and after having a daughter outside of marriage, I returned to the Lord, and was fervently seeking Him...for a while. I met my husband when my daughter was two, and couldn't believe how perfectly compatable we were.Thank you God! We were married 14 months later, and now have three daughters: 11, 6, and 3. In my walk with the Lord I have had a few tall shoots sprout, only to wither away with no lasting fruit. This has caused me recently to resolve that I have the rocky soil refered to in the parable of the sower. Then I realized, that I am, once again, making the God of the Universe so small. He created Heaven and Earth; He can certainly till a little bit of soil. And He has been! I'm so thankful now to be in this study, diving deeper into how to be planted.
Thank you Melissa for using the amazing gifts God has given you to strengthen other women of faith. You are a beautiful blessing.


I love you, friend. You are Gods child, through and through and I see much fruit in you. Iknow God will continue to grow us together by His mighty power.

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