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Dena Dyer

What beauty you make and share! I'm so glad God has led you to do the 12 Days project and share so much of your creativity with us non-crafty-types. Blessings on your family this Christmas season. :)


Thank YOU, Dena! It's actually a miracle that I crossed the finish line! Many, many blessings to you.


It's funny how we always seem to take such a circuitous route on our way to finding what God has in store for us. But that journey is just as important as the destination.


You and your talent for making beautiful meaningful things amazes me Melissa! These are AWESOME! Can't wait to share. The God's Loves Notes that I gave to people they absolutely L.O.V.E.D. I'll have to share these too!

Blessings to you and your family this Christmas! I hope His love and joy is radiated in y'alls lives! :)


Yes, Deidra! God always has a detour for us, doesn't He? Keeps us trusting and waiting. I'm learning to see it more and more for the adventure that it truly is.


Thank you for making me SMILE bright, Rebekah! That is so neat to hear and oh, how I pray, I can use my gifts for His glory. Merry Christmas, sister friend!

Donna O.

My 3 twenty-something daughters have called me MommaBird for years...& likewise, they're my babybirds. These 3 beautiful women (inside & out) have come so far in their faith this year - leaps and bounds. This calenday couldn't be more fitting. I'm going to print it for all 3 of them. I love your theme - it's something that has stirred inside me for years that I think needs more focus...the intersection of faith and art. So thank you. Really. -Donna


How neat and exciting, Donna! How blessed you are to see your girls grow in the Lord. I really hope they like the gift and thank you! Praying Creator leads you closer and closer to that intersection.


This is so wonderful! You are so talented! I love your unique Bible studies as well! Thanks for sharing them with us!


This is beautiful Melissa! Thanks for taking the time to share.


Thank you, Melissa! I've been very blessed by your Bible Studies and your beautiful artwork. Love the calendar pages, they will make lovely gifts.

Nora Urich

Hello HoneyBee Mellie.. :D
I have always been blessed with these beautiful Christmas Calendars.. You work so hard and God has blessed. Thank you for taking time to create this beautiful theme for printing. Its always a blessing to see and read Gods written word on creative decor around the home. Also want to thank you for all the inspiration, and teaching you shared in your women study groups and all the other wonderful creative ideas for us to enjoy. Merry Christmas and looking forward to see you and the family soon.
Love you!


Meslisa! hi! I'm excited to see you, the girls and Noel this week!! and wanted to let you know I just printed my very own calender, which will be placed on my fridge - yay!! thanks so much!
and see you very soon, Rosa


Thanks, Rosita! You might not want to grab my gift for the gift exchange! Just sayin...

Faith Barista | Bonnie

Blessings, Melissa! You're so creative. Such a gift to us. May God pour more of Him into you, so we can have more of your words and inspiration in the new year! hope you had a Merry Christmas, dear friend!


this is really beautiful. just happened upon this when i googled printable 2011 calendar. thank you!


Absolutely gorgeous! I love that you are using your talent for the Lord! So happy I found you!


Hello Melissa, what a beautiful piece of work this is!
My name is Nina and I'm a German blogger. I would love to add your calendar to a list of printable calendars I'm showing on my blog.
I would love to get your permission to use one of your pictures next to the link to this entry, so hopefully many readers will have the chance to get your lovely calendar.

Greetings from Germany, Nina

send gift Philippines

What a great idea nice handmade I like it so much. Keep posting!



please please please do a 2012 one this year! I JUST found your blog! I am in love with the Jesus tags and we will definitely be starting that tradition this year. {Also, REALLY wish we never started with Santa} The girls are getting older and know that the true reason we are celebrating is Jesus, the star has meaning and candles are lit in His name! So blessed to have found your blog! Thank you for sharing your gifts.


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