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Heidi Woodruff

I loved those personalized note tags from God....I gave those aways to my Bible study ladies. And I already had on my list to do today's project! How cool, you've given me new idea of how to do it. We've studied the names of God and so "giving" the ladies their name/meaning and a verse was what I was going to *somehow* do! Now I have direction!!! Love it! Thank you!
Blessings, Heidi

Becky J

Thank you for all you are giving to bless us with these beautiful creations and your insightful words...your blog gives God glory and blesses us...thank you so very much! Merry Christmas sister in Christ!

Nora Urich

Love the notes, framed names and scripture ideas.. beautiful graphics, wonderful encouraging, and motivational wordings. Great for any decor. Glory to God in the Highest.
Thank you for the print outs. Now all I need are frames, lol.. :) luv ya!


That is awesome, Heidi! Thank you for making me smile! I know your gals will love the gift. Merry Christmas!


Thank you, Becky! It was a blessing and so very timely to read your encouragement. Much love to you, sister.


Simply lovely. :)

gift delivery Philippines

Its absolutely adorable that was a nice notes and a framed cool gift ideas.


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