Life is full of storms.
Sometimes days are covered in a light drizzle of trials; days that seem just a little off kilter but somehow manageable. Unfinished laundry. Again. Sibling scuffles. Schedules that run behind. Tears over tough to solve math problems. Overcooked chicken and under cooked potatoes.
Several deep cleansing breaths and a prayer later, the small world that encompasses my tribe of five slows it's spin and we just move forward in the grace that abounds for even the least of these life complications.
Then there are rare days drenched in blizzards of heartbreaking news leaving my soul shipwrecked on a deserted island. Loss of life forming in the womb. Anger over broken relationships. Life changing diagnosis. Misunderstandings and miscommunications with ones I love.
All the while waves crash and rock the boat that's already been battered and bruised. Like hail cutting against glass window panes, these moments of tribulation pound hard against our hearts and leave us raw and in desperate need of grace to simply breathe.
Whether it's a light rain casting hardship on your days or torrential storms that send a tsunami of hurt into your moments, there is always Hope. It's the Anchor that tethers us to the very One who beckons the dark clouds and sends the wind and rain.
Hope lifts our head and grabs our hands so we can steady ourselves to put one foot in front of the other. It renews a sense of peace even when the storm hasn't passed. It comforts us with the promise that yes, new mercies are on the horizon if we look to the east to see the sunrise again. Hope indeed anchors the soul. May we set our sails toward the only One who can calm angry seas and anchor us in the deepest waters.